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If you’re an asset-intensive organization, chances are you have an overwhelming amount of maintenance documents or engineering drawings to manage for thousands (or even millions) of assets and equipment. If so, you know how difficult it is to organize and index these documents, never mind making them easily accessible for maintenance personnel.

We can help.

NRX AssetHub provides maintenance and reliability professionals at asset-intensive businesses with a world-class software solution to load, organize, and index engineering and maintenance documents in their corporate Document Management Solutions (DMS), and deliver these critical documents to the fingertips of maintenance personnel. These documents include parts books or catalogs, maintenance guides, engineering drawings, and more.


NRX AssetHub, CMMS/EAM Systems, and Document Management Systems in Perfect Harmony

NRX AssetHub, in combination with document management and engineering content management solutions, provides our customers with end-to-end management of key documents and engineering data for their assets. NRX AssetHub ensures documents are indexed and organized correctly in the Document Management System, and associates the documents with their appropriate assets in NRX AssetHub and in the CMMS/EAM system. Maintenance workers can then access the applicable documents directly from work orders in their EAM system. Users can be confident that the latest engineering drawings, photos, or manuals for their assets are catalogued and associated directly with their applicable assets.

Let’s look closer at the ways in which our customers have used and benefitted from using NRX AssetHub to easily manage engineering and maintenance documents.


Automatically Organize and Index Maintenance Documents into the Corporate DMS

NRX AssetHub lets customers load their documents into their corporate Document Management Systems individually, or in bulk with ease. NRX AssetHub can automatically create search indexes based on equipment attributes, and organize the documents in a logical, consistent manner. NRX AssetHub provides a simple user interface so maintenance personnel can manually enter document attributes.


Easily Keep the Organization and Indexes Up to Date When Assets or Asset Attributes Change

NRX AssetHub ensures that search indexes of maintenance documents remain in sync with their assets, and updates the indexes automatically as assets or asset attributes change. NRX AssetHub also provides easy email-based workflows for managing the process of loading and updating documents.


Save Maintenance Workers Time Locating the Latest Engineering Data and Drawings

NRX AssetHub lets our customers easily link drawings, photos, manuals, engineering data, and other maintenance documents from Document Management and Engineering Content Management Systems, and connect the documents with the assets to which they apply in the EAM system. Maintenance workers can quickly and easily view engineering drawings and designs from work orders in an EAM system, from the asset hierarchy in NRX AssetHub, or using intelligent search and filter capabilities. NRX AssetHub makes maintenance more visual and maintenance professionals more productive. Non-maintenance personnel can also find technical documents more easily directly from the Documents Management System.


Search, Filter, and Report on Structured Information to Find Documents and Implement New Maintenance and Reliability Programs

NRX AssetHub can facilitate the implementation of new maintenance and reliability programs that require access to a 360-degree view of maintenance and asset information. For example, a customer could use NRX AssetHub to store the results of a validation analysis as an equipment attribute, and later filter the list of equipment by vibration analysis results, to prioritize repair work.


Key Benefits Realized

  • Increase wrench time. We help our customers typically increase wrench time by 25% by making it easier and faster for maintenance workers to find information.
  • Increase productivity. With better data comes better maintenance. We help our customers typically increase maintenance productivity by an average of 10%.


If you would like to find out more about how NRX AssetHub can help you easily manage your maintenance and engineering documents, give us a call.

If you would like to find out about this solution or the many other ways NRX AssetHub can help your business, check out the link:

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