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When it comes to managing data quality, the consequences of remaining stagnant can be dire for your asset intensive business. Do you want the ability to control changes to your EAM/ CMMS data? Do you want an approval process to ensure the changes meet your criteria? Perhaps you are looking for a way to ensure the data entered in your system conforms to corporate and industry standards? Without change, there is no progress. And without progress, you cannot guarantee your data will continue to be accurate and complete.

1. Manage Data Quality from the Field

For operations in the field, having a single access point for maintenance and operations personnel as well as external contractors to document changes is crucial. This not only gives you the confidence that changes are captured, you’ll have the assurance that they are reflected in your CMMS or EAM system. Furthermore, having the ability to visualize your data for a facility or asset, ensuring it is complete, or highlighting areas where it is not yet ready for operations will only continue to perpetuate good data management practices.

2. Validate and Memorialize Changes

Companies and contractors need the ability to analyze, edit, and validate data outside of their EAM or CMMS environment. They also need the power to leverage business rules that guide data remediation and approvals plus enforce corporate standards. When companies fail to have an effective process in place, collaboration is hindered and work flows are strained.

3. Monitor Ongoing Data Quality

For many businesses, maintaining the quality of their existing asset and maintenance data is important, but challenging. When a business has invested the resources to build high-quality EAM or CMMS asset and maintenance data, or to rebuild their data, they need the tools and processes to keep it valid. When your company has the ability to actively access reports, monitor capabilities and audit functionality, you will continue to meet the requirements you have defined and continue on a path to success.

Change Is Easier Thank You Think!

NRX AssetHub provides asset-intensive companies with a software solution designed to help them continually monitor, report on, and manage the quality of their CMMS or EAM data. Our customers use NRX AssetHub to quickly and easily collect, approve, and memorialize changes to data, from asset construction to deconstruction. Our solutions facilitate the ongoing validation of asset data integrity using integrated business rules and workflow processes. Furtherore, NRX AssetHub allows our customers to avoid the pitfalls of data decay typically associated with disconnected, spreadsheet-powered, Management of Change (MOC) processes.

If you would like to find out more about how NRX AssetHub can help you easily and efficiently manage and approve changes to your EAM master data, contact us at 1-877-603-4679 or book a demo today!


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