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The good thing about materials data cleanses is that they are flexible projects that can be big or small depending on the needs of your business or your EAM system. However, this can also be the bad thing about materials data cleanses. When working with mountains of spare parts information, making the best choices about the magnitude of issues you would like to fix and how you would like to fix them is no small task. By extension, choosing a solution for your EAM system that is going to help you fix the problems with your spare parts data can also be overwhelming. You may feel limited by the data you’re working with or the solutions that are available to you, and that may be seriously hindering the progress of your cleanse. Below are some possible issues with your current cleansing solution that may be the reason your current materials cleanse is not delivering the results your spare parts data needs.

Is your solution making you stumble?

Software solutions come in all kinds of shapes and sizes, and the same is true of materials data cleansing solutions. Because of this, there are lots of ways in which the cleansing solution used by your organization in the past may have been incredibly inefficient. For instance, the solution may have lacked the ability to:

  • support bulk changes to your spare parts data,
  • carry out automated processes for correcting names and parts descriptions,
  • provide powerful spare parts searches in order to find or avoid creating duplicates, or
  • integrate with other EAM or CMMS solutions.

A poor materials cleansing solution that only allows small changes or that requires a great deal of human intervention will seriously impact the scope and speed of your materials cleansing project. Even worse, a solution that is incompatible with your current EAM or CMMS system is going to be costly to sustain in the long term. The returns of such a solution are not likely to be greater than the many resources dedicated to implementing it. This is why critically considering what cleansing solution will provide the best returns for your business at the best cost is important.

Find a solution that serves you

The success of your materials cleansing project is going to reflect the effectiveness of the solution used to carry it out. You may want an intuitive and powerful solution with capabilities that go far beyond the simple and limited cosmetic changes of the cleansing solutions used by your organization in the past. If you’ve been working with a poor materials cleansing solution, the good news is that it doesn’t have to stay that way! Check out one of our resources below or book a demo with us to learn how NRX AssetHub can provide the most benefits for your next materials data cleanse.

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