by Maria McLoughlin | Jun 2, 2020
Materials: they’re everywhere! We can think of a material as a spare part used for a larger piece of equipment. In everyday life, examples could include an oil filter in a car or a pump in a laundry machine. With repeated use, these materials experience wear and... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 12, 2019
Effective spare parts management can save asset intensive businesses money. Yet, many asset-intensive organizations may find themselves struggling to find and order spare parts efficiently. This often results in inefficient rushed orders where parts information is... by Sophie Strobel | Oct 15, 2019
Take a sip of coffee for every one of the below that you have experienced, and maybe once you are done you will have enough energy to solve your maintenance and reliability problems. Repost with what number you got; chances are other people can relate! All of your... by Matthew Comeau | Oct 12, 2018
Ordering spare parts remains one of the fundamental practices of employees at asset-intensive companies. Considering that maintenance work is heavily reliant on these parts for machine upkeep and repairs, ensuring that they are ordered correctly and efficiently is a... by Matthew Comeau | Sep 27, 2018
Simplifying BOMs Asset-Intensive companies use BOMs to order parts, conduct maintenance and to ensure that machinery and operations are conducted in an efficient fashion. All too often though, they lay riddled with misinformation, incomplete lists and other errors and...