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The Drawbacks of a Poor Materials Cleansing Solution

The good thing about materials data cleanses is that they are flexible projects that can be big or small depending on the needs of your business or your EAM system. However, this can also be the bad thing about materials data cleanses. When working with mountains of...

The Cost of Poor Quality Spare Parts Data

Spare parts are the foundation of many asset-intensive businesses. They can affect operations in multiple ways at every level. With this in mind, knowing what costs the spare parts in your EAM system may be creating for your business is critical to understanding how...

Spring Cleaning with Your EAM Migration

Spring is a season of change and growth. If you’re considering moving your data from one EAM system to another, that’s a pretty big change, and it’s an opportunity for a lot of growth! An asset-intensive business might have several incentives for undertaking an EAM...

Predictions for Reliability and Maintenance Trends in 2020

1. The Challenge to Connect AI with OT IT/OT convergence has been a common issue over the last couple years and these historically siloed departments are steadily becoming more compatible. With the addition of AI to the mix, there needs to be a new convergence of AI...

Ways to Break Down Data Silos

Are you storing your data in a silo where it doesn’t belong? Data silos are just like farm silos in the way that these grains are stored, in stand-alone towers. A data silo is defined as a set or source of data that can only be accessed or edited by only one...