by Matt Condie | Nov 15, 2016
Does your business need or want to improve your asset hierarchy by aligning with standards such as ISO 14224? We can help make compliance easy. NRX AssetHub provides a software solution designed to help a wide-range of asset-intensive companies quickly ensure ISO... by Matt Condie | Nov 10, 2016
Asset-intensive companies require thousands or even millions of asset tags to identify and manage their equipment. All these tags need to be unique, and ideally, should provide useful information about the equipment. Many companies struggle with no formal process for... by Matt Condie | Sep 29, 2016
Surprisingly often, seemingly simple tasks are still done in the most tedious ways possible. A popular, yet frustrating tool regularly used for tasks such as managing asset and maintenance data is still the classic Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. We are in an... by Brenda Horner | Aug 3, 2016
Does your company need to improve your asset hierarchy by aligning it with the ISO 14224 standard? Aligning your company’s asset hierarchy with ISO 14224 will provide many business benefits. With the help of NRX AssetHub, professionals can: 1. Easily align the asset...