by Sophie Strobel | Dec 30, 2019
1. The Challenge to Connect AI with OT IT/OT convergence has been a common issue over the last couple years and these historically siloed departments are steadily becoming more compatible. With the addition of AI to the mix, there needs to be a new convergence of AI... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 26, 2019
Is your asset and maintenance master data accurate and fit for purpose? Based on our experience, most executives at asset intensive companies are unaware of the poor state of their asset and maintenance master data and the negative effects on their business... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 21, 2019
Are you storing your data in a silo where it doesn’t belong? Data silos are just like farm silos in the way that these grains are stored, in stand-alone towers. A data silo is defined as a set or source of data that can only be accessed or edited by only one... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 19, 2019
Like Titanic, we may often only notice just the tip of the iceberg. While it is easy to overlook seemingly small problems (root causes), the rest of the iceberg could be much bigger and more complex. Are you an asset-intensive company that struggles with seeing the... by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 7, 2019
Many asset intensive companies may find that they struggle with getting preventive maintenance (PM) right. Too little scheduled PMs may result into more problems, but too many may result into wasted resources, data management challenges and so forth. There is no doubt...