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The Fitbit for Machines: Emerging IoT Technology

There’s always a new health and wellness product being deemed “the next big thing” which causes a craze among the public. Many people tend to strive towards a healthy lifestyle through establishing a specific diet, losing weight, or putting on some serious muscle, and...

The Dangers of Shadow IoT

Phones, computers, tablets, you name it; the vast majority of us use them obsessively in this new technological age. They don’t just serve as accessories implemented into our daily lives, but rather we rely on them just to get ourselves through the day. They make us...

How AIoT Connects with Preventive Maintenance

Many asset intensive companies may find that they struggle with getting preventive maintenance (PM) right. Too little scheduled PMs may result into more problems, but too many may result into wasted resources, data management challenges and so forth. There is no doubt...