by Steven Guitard | Apr 2, 2020
Life is not static, but rather an unpredictable flux that may introduce drastic changes to the way we carry out our days. The current pandemic has created mass amounts of chaos around the world, directly affecting peoples’ careers and livelihoods. Some people have had... by Steven Guitard | Mar 26, 2020
Over many generations, it has been firmly ingrained within the minds of the general public that working in an office from 9 to 5 is the best way to boost productivity and complete tasks as given; sounds strange, doesn’t it? We’ve all grown up to believe that this... by Steven Guitard | Mar 19, 2020
Over the past few weeks, the vast majority of the world has been strongly encouraged to partake in social distancing and self isolation in an attempt to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Health and safety will always remain a top priority among the public, but... by Steven Guitard | Mar 17, 2020
The concerns surrounding COVID-19 continue to ravage the globe with no signs of stopping anytime soon. Its impacts have greatly threatened the general public’s health and many precautions are in the process of being implemented as a result. Awareness regarding... by Steven Guitard | Mar 12, 2020
There’s always a new health and wellness product being deemed “the next big thing” which causes a craze among the public. Many people tend to strive towards a healthy lifestyle through establishing a specific diet, losing weight, or putting on some serious muscle, and...