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Knowing Your Spare Parts Dictionary from A to Z

Imagine taking every item in the room you’re sitting in as you read this and trying to develop a system to classify all of them. Should one category be furniture? Should another be office supplies? Should the items in these categories be arranged alphabetically? Or...

Materials Data 101

Materials: they’re everywhere! We can think of a material as a spare part used for a larger piece of equipment. In everyday life, examples could include an oil filter in a car or a pump in a laundry machine. With repeated use, these materials experience wear and...

Find the Facts Fast with this EAM Migration Cheat Sheet

Over the past few weeks, we’ve done our best to provide you with all the information you need to know about EAM migrations. However, there’s a lot to learn, and sometimes that information can be overwhelming. An EAM system can be complicated, and a migration can make...

Spring Cleaning with Your EAM Migration

Spring is a season of change and growth. If you’re considering moving your data from one EAM system to another, that’s a pretty big change, and it’s an opportunity for a lot of growth! An asset-intensive business might have several incentives for undertaking an EAM...