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Improving Spare Parts Management through Work Orders

Spare parts management is a crucial aspect of efficient asset management. However, some organizations are reluctant to stock spare parts due to the carrying costs. Although, without readily available spare parts, there is a risk of unnecessary downtime which can lead...

Elements of a successful maintenance work order

Every work order has a life cycle. Understanding each phase and assigning appropriate tasks within the process ensures that there are no backlogs and delays. There are a few key elements that should ideally be included in maintenance work orders to yield maximum...

Prioritizing Maintenance Work Orders Efficiently

Within most organizations, work orders are prioritized in the system by team members as they see fit. However, this method is not realistic in the long run as members are bound to rank their work orders as the top priority, leading to inaccuracies in ranking and...

How Shutdowns can ensure Effective Maintenance

Often, we shut down our computers once we are done using it for the day or when it is not in use. We do this so that we do not drain out the battery or skew its performance. Similarly, with all the different kinds of equipment that organizations use, shutdowns are...

Stepping up Asset Management with Failure Codes

  Failure codes and asset errors  Within most CMMS systems, failure codes can be used on a work order to help identify why a particular type of equipment or asset failed. These codes are typically alphanumeric characters that are attributed to abbreviations of their...