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Repurposing Construction BOMs into Maintenance BOMs

Construction bills of materials are crucial for any project requiring assembly. However, once assembled, equipment requires regular maintenance updates to extend use. This warrants a new list of maintenance materials through a new BOM. Transitioning from construction...

Signs you should start building a BOM

Any organization trying to transition from a legacy CMMS system to a new EAM system has encountered some issues with spare parts and BOMs in the old system. Trying to identify duplicate or obsolete parts or the lack of good parts descriptions in the old EAM system,...

How to Prevent Errors Within Maintenance BOMs

For BOMs to be adequate they must be complete and accurate which means that they must be free from errors. BOMs that contain errors and give workers incorrect information can lead to major disruptions within a warehouse. When you are in the process of building BOMs or...

What Happens When Failure Codes Are Set Up Incorrectly?

Why is it Important Your Failure Codes Are Set Up Correctly? When failure codes are set up correctly, they can help you gather valuable information pertaining to your company’s assets that promotes preventative and efficient maintenance. This information can be...

Is Your Asset Register Incomplete?

Asset-intensive companies depend on their asset data and the completeness of their asset register to maintain the efficiency of their company’s operations. Before performing an EAM migration is the perfect time to verify that your asset register is complete....