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Good Questions to Ask Before an EAM Migration

Asking the right questions is likely the most important part of planning. Since if you don’t know what to ask, how can you possibly know what to expect? So, when it comes to an EAM/CMMS system you’re planning to migrate to, having a secure plan of action is necessary....

EAM Migrations: Prepping your Master Data

If you are planning an EAM migration, then ensuring your asset and maintenance master data is high-quality before migrating is an essential step in your migration project. High-quality master data powers increased productivity and reduces expenses associated with...

General Guidelines in Preserving Source Data Integrity

When migrating to a new EAM/CMMS system, it’s critical to prioritize your source maintenance and reliability data. Making a conscious effort to preserve the system’s data integrity is paramount to a successful migration, yet some companies fall short of doing so. To...