by Jackie Greekamol | Nov 7, 2019
Many asset intensive companies may find that they struggle with getting preventive maintenance (PM) right. Too little scheduled PMs may result into more problems, but too many may result into wasted resources, data management challenges and so forth. There is no doubt... by Jackie Greekamol | Oct 24, 2019
What is Industry 4.0? Industry 4.0 is the latest industrial revolution, also known as the fourth industrial revolution. Industry 4.0 revolves around adopting technologies in the manufacturing businesses that involves automation, data and machine learning. While... by Noah Trotman | May 17, 2018
Downtime is inevitable in the manufacturing industry and most certainly in the auto industry. Most of the causes can be preventable but downtime occurs for a few reasons that make the whole manufacturing process come to a halt. Material issues, shortage of operators...