Asset Hierarchy Recommendations and Fixes 2

An organized asset hierarchy is a powerful tool to assist you and your organization in daily tasks. Checking that your asset hierarchy doesn’t yet meet standards can be daunting if you don’t know what to look for, but don’t worry! We have a small...

Maximizing the Return on your Migration Project

No matter if a business has a long or short history with using an EAM/CMMS system, migrating to a new one can bring a series of issues that’ll impact how successful it is once complete. Challenges such as low user acceptance rates and a general lack of trust in the...

Heads Up: One Challenge to Tackle After Migration

You have probably been using your existing EAM/CMMS software for a few years, which has made you comfortable with its features and user experience (UX). However, when migrating to a new system, poor asset and maintenance data quality can bring lower user acceptance...