Breaking Down AIoT and What it Means for Your Business

What is AIoT? Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) occurs when artificial intelligence (AI) is applied to Internet of Things (IoT). In other words, when AI is combined with IoT infrastructure; IoT operations, data management and analytics, as well as human-machine...

Maintenance and Reliability Quiz

Take a sip of coffee for every one of the below that you have experienced, and maybe once you are done you will have enough energy to solve your maintenance and reliability problems. Repost with what number you got; chances are other people can relate! All of your...

Your EAM is Only as Good as the Data you Feed it

When we load bad data into our systems, we cannot expect them to deliver great results. Sometimes we do this mindlessly or maybe as a way of convenience, but this shouldn’t be an option to begin with. So, are you investing in your data for the long run? You shouldn’t...

6 Signs You Need a Data Cleanse

Life gets busy, and things can start to pile up. Some of us may try to avoid the mess for as long as they can. But inevitably, if that clutter does not get cleansed, it can get worse. The same thing could also be happening to your data. It is important to ask...

The Cost of Unexpected Downtime

Ever had your computer crash on you after spending hours of inputting data? You lose all the hard work and progress you made, and it can dramatically slow you down.  That’s exactly what an unexpected downtime does to your businesses, but on a much larger scale....