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Building BoMs with Bad Spare Parts Data

Our blog has extensively covered the topic of Bills of Materials (or BoMs), whether it be a post about building better BoMs, the effects of poor maintenance BoMs, or simplifying BoMs. As our most recent blog on the topic helpfully describes them, BoMs can be thought...

Seeing is Believing in Your Materials Data Cleanse

If you’re struggling to see the right spare parts in your EAM or CMMS system, chances are you may be struggling to see that spare part in real life as well. There can be a big difference between the materials data found on a spreadsheet and the actual physical assets...

Learning to Love your Legacy Materials Data

An asset-intensive business usually decides to carry out a materials data cleanse because something about their existing data is hindering their work. Though poor legacy materials data may be the whole reason for undertaking a cleansing project, dealing directly with...

Automation: A New Addition to Your Materials Data Cleanse

The well-established trend of Industry 4.0 continues to govern the future of asset management and maintenance. Those who are consciously moving their business towards this framework of cloud-computing and the Internet of Things (IoT) know that the “manual” of manual...

Spring Cleaning with Your EAM Migration

Spring is a season of change and growth. If you’re considering moving your data from one EAM system to another, that’s a pretty big change, and it’s an opportunity for a lot of growth! An asset-intensive business might have several incentives for undertaking an EAM...