Causes of Downtime in Manufacturing

Downtime is any period of time when a machine is not in production. Downtime is one of the most critical challenges of manufacturing and one of the main sources of lost production time. Downtime affects businesses across all industries. There are many reasons why...

Your EAM is Only as Good as the Data you Feed it

When we load bad data into our systems, we cannot expect them to deliver great results. Sometimes we do this mindlessly or maybe as a way of convenience, but this shouldn’t be an option to begin with. So, are you investing in your data for the long run? You shouldn’t...

The Downtime Your EAM Data Can Prevent

Downtime is inevitable in the manufacturing industry and most certainly in the auto industry. Most of the causes can be preventable but downtime occurs for a few reasons that make the whole manufacturing process come to a halt. Material issues, shortage of operators...