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What Makes a Good Asset Hierarchy?

An asset hierarchy allows companies to organize their equipment and machines stationed across various locations. It is critical for understanding how action on one machine affects other machines and establishing the parent-child relationship amongst multiple assets....

What Happens When Failure Codes Are Set Up Incorrectly?

Why is it Important Your Failure Codes Are Set Up Correctly? When failure codes are set up correctly, they can help you gather valuable information pertaining to your company’s assets that promotes preventative and efficient maintenance. This information can be...

Is Your Asset Register Incomplete?

Asset-intensive companies depend on their asset data and the completeness of their asset register to maintain the efficiency of their company’s operations. Before performing an EAM migration is the perfect time to verify that your asset register is complete....

What Happens if Your Asset Register is Incomplete?

Asset-intensive companies require a clear understanding of the status of their assets to ensure the efficiency of their maintenance operations. If you are planning an EAM migration, this is the perfect time to make sure the information in your asset register is...

How Do Imperfect Data Mappings Impact Maintenance?

An EAM migration allows asset-intensive companies to experience the benefits of an updated, user-friendly, and secure platform and helps combat the many problems that legacy systems create. Setting up your asset and maintenance master data correctly in your new EAM...