Benefits of EAM Migrations for Maintenance Processes

An EAM migration presents an optimal time to make changes to your asset and maintenance master data and improve your maintenance processes. By implementing the best practices for EAM migrations, you can improve your maintenances processes and ensure that your new EAM...

How International Standards Benefit APM Analysis

Before you can successfully implement Asset Performance Management (APM) analysis or any reliability program, it is critical to have your assets well organized. Otherwise, it is difficult to compare asset data productively, your data may be less reliable, and your...

What Asset Data Do You Need For Successful APM Analysis?

An Asset Performance Management (APM) solution is important because it allows you to improve the reliability of your asset data and the availability of your physical assets while minimizing risk and operating costs. An APM solution typically includes condition...

A Stitch in Time Saves Nine (Million Dollars)

They say that the two happiest days of a man’s life are the day he buys his first boat, and the day he sells it. The intention is to spend days and weekends on the water, fishing, and taking in the sun, but in reality, boating is a very expensive hobby. There is the...

Asset data from a new perspective

Excel. You may use it, you may not. It is relatively easy, convenient, and cost-effective from the start. However, as your business and assets grow you will quickly leave those benefits behind. Continuing with Excel to manage your growing business will cost you more...