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EAM Migrations: Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO)

Companies might decide to conduct an EAM Migration, hoping that migration alone will solve their maintenance issues. Although EAM Migrations provide an abundance of benefits in improving maintenance processes, the benefits will only be reaped if asset and maintenance...

What Happens if Your Asset Register is Incomplete?

Asset-intensive companies require a clear understanding of the status of their assets to ensure the efficiency of their maintenance operations. If you are planning an EAM migration, this is the perfect time to make sure the information in your asset register is...

The Drawbacks of a Poor Materials Cleansing Solution

The good thing about materials data cleanses is that they are flexible projects that can be big or small depending on the needs of your business or your EAM system. However, this can also be the bad thing about materials data cleanses. When working with mountains of...

The Cost of Poor Quality Spare Parts Data

Spare parts are the foundation of many asset-intensive businesses. They can affect operations in multiple ways at every level. With this in mind, knowing what costs the spare parts in your EAM system may be creating for your business is critical to understanding how...