by Laryssa Li | Sep 26, 2017
Companies require thousands of asset tags in order to organize their equipment in an effective manner; therefore it is crucial that these tags are accurate and up to date. The accuracy in asset tags is highly important in asset-intensive companies as it helps identify... by Jessica Zuckier | Aug 29, 2017
Is your company struggling to implement an effective process for allocating equipment tags? If so, you’re not alone. Managing huge numbers of equipment tags to identify and track assets can be overwhelming. They must be unique, informative and well organized. Although... by Matt Condie | Jun 22, 2017
Asset-intensive companies require thousands or even millions of asset tags to identify and manage their equipment. All these tags need to be unique, and ideally, should provide useful information about the equipment. Many companies struggle with no formal process for... by Matt Condie | Nov 10, 2016
Asset-intensive companies require thousands or even millions of asset tags to identify and manage their equipment. All these tags need to be unique, and ideally, should provide useful information about the equipment. Many companies struggle with no formal process for... by Brenda Horner | Jun 1, 2016
What is tag allocation and why is it important? Asset-intensive companies require thousands of asset tags to Identify and keep track of their equipment. Without these critical tags, it would be impossible to keep all assets organized. It is important that the tags are...