by Sobhiyar Memon | Mar 9, 2018
Although it sounds easy, tracking equipment maintenance is not easy. Maintenance becomes very daunting when you have poor quality EAM/CMMS asset master data. Poor data makes it very hard for maintenance personnel to do their job as well. Every year, companies spend... by Laryssa Li | Dec 14, 2017
Asset-intensive companies have many pieces of equipment. When dealing with such large numbers, it is critical that companies have a good way of keeping track of maintenance and master data so that nothing falls through the cracks. When your equipment breaks down, it... by Jessica Zuckier | Aug 31, 2017
When it comes to managing data quality, the consequences of remaining stagnant can be dire for your asset intensive business. Do you want the ability to control changes to your EAM/ CMMS data? Do you want an approval process to ensure the changes meet your criteria?... by Matt Condie | Aug 8, 2017
Maintenance is a serious business, especially for asset-intensive companies. As an example, without stringent maintenance standards, and regulatory guidelines, the rate of industrial accidents would surely rise. Without properly functioning equipment, production... by Matt Condie | Jul 12, 2017
As the late Peter Drucker once said, “If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” This is a great concept, and one that is crucial to maintenance. After all, how can you continuously improve and sustain effective maintenance processes if you are unable to...