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What Makes a Good Asset Hierarchy?

An asset hierarchy allows companies to organize their equipment and machines stationed across various locations. It is critical for understanding how action on one machine affects other machines and establishing the parent-child relationship amongst multiple assets....

We Do Plant Walkdowns

NRX AssetHub is the best tool for walkdowns. Okay, so we may be a little biased, but we have proven success in the efficiency of our walkdowns and the price point. There are a million ways that people chose to conduct their walkdowns, but the data edits that are...

Reliability and Maintenance Trends of 2019

1. SENSORS, SENSORS, SENSORS Plant managers are aware that sensor technology is becoming increasingly innovative and they are on the lookout for the next and best OT for their plant. This year we saw one of the first self-powered sensors on the market that harvests...

Optimize Your Asset Hierarchy

Is your business’ asset hierarchy out of order? Asset hierarchy structure is a way to organize all equipment and machines that are located in one or more locations. Often times, asset-intensive companies may find that their asset hierarchy structures are overlooked....

Breaking Down AIoT and What it Means for Your Business

What is AIoT? Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) occurs when artificial intelligence (AI) is applied to Internet of Things (IoT). In other words, when AI is combined with IoT infrastructure; IoT operations, data management and analytics, as well as human-machine...