by Laryssa Li | Oct 4, 2017
Has your EAM Master Data become your worst nightmare? Is it confusing, hard to identify or full of inaccuracies? Are you stumped looking for solutions to improve it? Perhaps you’re struggling to find the root causes as to why your master data is so poorly structured.... by Laryssa Li | Sep 26, 2017
Companies require thousands of asset tags in order to organize their equipment in an effective manner; therefore it is crucial that these tags are accurate and up to date. The accuracy in asset tags is highly important in asset-intensive companies as it helps identify... by Jessica Zuckier | Aug 31, 2017
When it comes to managing data quality, the consequences of remaining stagnant can be dire for your asset intensive business. Do you want the ability to control changes to your EAM/ CMMS data? Do you want an approval process to ensure the changes meet your criteria?... by Matt Condie | Aug 23, 2017
What is an Asset Data Foundation? An Asset Data Foundation is made up of high-quality master data, including Maintenance Master Data, accurately reflecting the physical plant and its needs. This data stands as the backbone of effective Maintenance Work Management and... by Matt Condie | Aug 8, 2017
Maintenance is a serious business, especially for asset-intensive companies. As an example, without stringent maintenance standards, and regulatory guidelines, the rate of industrial accidents would surely rise. Without properly functioning equipment, production...