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Back to Basics: Efficient Equipment Tag Management Systems

Asset-intensive companies use a large number of equipment tags to locate and monitor their assets. They are a means to internally organize important physical capital and are heavily relied upon by employees. Many companies struggle with implementing these identifiers...

Culture eats Strategy for Breakfast

Where are you now, and where do you want to be? Plan, idealize, break down each process. Strategize. Make a business report, have it approved. But wait, all of this will be worthless if you cannot inspire your team to carry out your vision. Schedule a Meeting Perhaps...

Accurate EAM Data and the World Cup

Today, June 14th, 2018 is the start of the 21st edition of the World Cup and I hope you’re just as excited as the HubHead team. Last time we saw a rollercoaster of events starting at the group stages, then to the host country being knocked out, all the way down to the...

Asset data from a new perspective

Excel. You may use it, you may not. It is relatively easy, convenient, and cost-effective from the start. However, as your business and assets grow you will quickly leave those benefits behind. Continuing with Excel to manage your growing business will cost you more...