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How to Prepare Your Master Data for Migration

If you are planning an EAM migration, then ensuring your asset and maintenance master data is high-quality before migrating it into your new system is an essential step in your migration project. High-quality master data powers increased productivity and saves your...

How International Standards Benefit APM Analysis

Before you can successfully implement Asset Performance Management (APM) analysis or any reliability program, it is critical to have your assets well organized. Otherwise, it is difficult to compare asset data productively, your data may be less reliable, and your...

What Asset Data Do You Need For Successful APM Analysis?

An Asset Performance Management (APM) solution is important because it allows you to improve the reliability of your asset data and the availability of your physical assets while minimizing risk and operating costs. An APM solution typically includes condition...

Why Is an EAM Migration the Ideal Time to Fix Your Data?

If you are planning an EAM migration, this is ideal for you to fix foundational data issues. Before migrating your data to your new EAM, it is highly beneficial to invest in a solution that allows you to solve issues with your asset and maintenance master data....

What Information Should You Store in Your EAM?

EAM systems allow asset-intensive companies to accurately keep track of equipment, work orders, maintenance plans, and purchases. Despite the benefits, utilizing EAM systems to their full potential can be a daunting task. Knowing what data to include is essential and...