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The SAP Plant Maintenance module (PM) remains an important feature that assists businesses with supporting and maintaining equipment and systems. It allows companies to improve maintenance processes and cut costs through regular inspection and effective preventative maintenance.

However, even if businesses have SAP PM, they can still operate inefficiently compared to others in the industry. If you are wondering what some common gaps are between how you use SAP PM and industry best practices, consider the following:

1. Unclear Maintenance Notifications

Companies may encounter maintenance notifications with limited or incorrect information. For instance, it should provide sufficient data on maintenance priority, affected equipment, and course of action. Understandably, maintenance planners and technicians will grow frustrated by this issue as they will have to spend time verifying it. Consequently, wrench time decreases.


2. Inaccurate Data in SAP PM Work Orders

Have you ever been tasked with filling out paperwork? Though required for company records, it can be tedious work. It becomes easy to scan and answer documents mindlessly. As a result, mistakes are highly probable to occur in the process.

Likewise, most maintenance personnel dislike filling out work orders upon completion. Reasonably, they have other tasks that take much more precedence over work order closeouts. Consequently, they may skip steps or forget to include details essential for the company’s ability to maintain equipment effectively in the future.


3. Incomplete Information in Work Orders

Information like activity, cause, and damage codes are vital in tracking maintenance costs, predicting future maintenance requirements, and performing reliability  analysis. However, SAP PM may not be configured correctly to effectively capture this information. So, organizations with incomplete documents will encounter issues in long-term maintenance performance.


4. Insufficient Information for Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA)

The Failure Mode Effects Analysis (FMEA) assesses plausible causes and impacts of equipment failures. Businesses rely on it for an informed approach to identify failure modes and evaluate it’s effect on productivity objectives.

Complete and accurate failure data provides organizations with the necessary information to generate a successful FMEA. But you will only be able to do this if SAP PM is configured correctly.


5. Ineffective SAP PM Interface

Technology can be troublesome to navigate. Demographics of maintenance workers range from old to young or inexperienced to experienced users. Although maintenance staff undergo training for SAP PM, inconvenient or complicated interfaces present a unique learning curve.

An effective SAP PM interface accounts for diverse users. Ideally, the interface should be customizable; it should be configurable to cater to the roles and skills of users.

Why not provide a customizable interface for data collection?

Why not make it simple to create and update notifications?

Why not ensure accurate and complete data in SAP PM in the first place?

If you find yourself asking these questions about your EAM/CMMS, we are here to help you!


About HubHead’s Benchmarking Service

If you need assistance in comparing your SAP PM usage with industry best practices, consider HubHead’s benchmarking service. We help organizations identify inefficiencies in their use of SAP PM and provided an ROI-based roadmap to close the gaps. Click on the links below to download our brochure and book a meeting. We would be glad to assist you.

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