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As discussed in our previous blog, every data migration comes with a fair amount of risks. We also mentioned some of the things that could go wrong: asset data loss, productivity loss, or an outright failure.

The rising popularity of EAM and CMMS systems among asset-intensive companies is due to the growing automation of industrial processes. This new shift has made preventative maintenance a necessary task for asset intensive organizations as it decreases repair costs and increases the chances of a successful turnout.

Be proactive

You may have set yourself up for failure long before migrating your data into a new EAM system, but you may not realize it until the migration is complete. Essentially, preventative maintenance is about being proactive rather than waiting to react to an outcome.

Preventative measures tend to be less expensive than reactionary measures. Therefore, avoiding problems is a more ideal route than repairing problems. Being proactive with migrating your asset and maintenance data is an important aspect of your company’s maintenance strategy and manifests in a few ways.

Regular asset monitoring is a useful feature provided by many CMMS systems. This involves ensuring that employees have access to all necessary information at any given time. Within asset monitoring is purchasing and procurement, which involves purchasing and acquisition. This is another feature typically incorporated into several CMMS systems to make sure inventory is always stocked, and replacement parts are accounted for. For example, purchase requisitions and automated re-orders can be set in a CMMS system to be easily accessed by the relevant employees.

Having an established maintenance routine will be part of the backbone of your preventative maintenance strategy. This simply involves regular servicing. CMMS systems assist in this aspect by providing transparency and auto-scheduling, therefore enabling all employees within a company to see which assets are next in line for repairs and prepare accordingly.

Real-time information is a simple feature of all kinds of software solutions. An efficient maintenance software will provide the most up-to-date information as quickly as possible and at any time.

At the end of the day, the overarching goal of every business is to increase productivity and reduce expenses. Planning for the future is a crucial step in preventing problems and striving to achieve company goals. Reporting features such as Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) present useful metrics to form the basis of managerial decision-making for future endeavours.

Better safe than sorry

A carefully thought-out preventative maintenance strategy will leave you quite satisfied when reaping the benefits of accurate, high quality data. The solution offered by NRX AssetHub fits seamlessly with CMMS and EAM system to assist in following through with maintenance strategies and maintaining the quality of your data to maximize productivity results. If you are struggling to satisfy maintenance standards or are simply curious about NRX AssetHub, feel free to book a demo and our team would be happy to get in touch with you!

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