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The digital transformation to Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) requires more than adopting new technologies. It requires changes to people, processes and information management. Without an effective system to manage asset information, you will not be successful in adopting IIoT.

With the regularly expanding reception of the Internet of Things (IoT) and IIoT in ventures all over the world, it does not shock anyone that these wonders have discovered their way into EAM data solutions. Specifically, asset-intensive companies need to adopt this development in their procedure, as it improves their profitability and productivity.

By integrating IIoT with EAM systems, it enables organizations to determine issues with their assets, and make changes. The development of real-time data provides real-time feedback that gives maintenance workers the tools they need to respond to emerging problems immediately, rather than when it becomes critical to their overall operations. EAM solutions should be no different considering how the rest of the world depends on instant responses.

So, how can we prepare for IIoT?

Firstly, you need to prioritize the implementation of IIoT and plan how IIoT will be integrated into your current maintenance processes.

Secondly, you need to make the necessary changes needed to your asset and maintenance master data to implement IIoT effectively.

Thirdly, you need to validate and approve your asset and maintenance master data so you know it will support your IIoT initiatives.

Lastly, you need to load asset data into all of the manufacturing, production, DCS, EAM and other systems required to implement IIoT effectively.

How can NRX AssetHub help you implement IloT?

We help our customers plan where and how to implement IIoT and condition monitoring for maintenance and operations. Our NRX AssetHub solution helps customers manage their asset and maintenance data required to successfully implement IIoT across all of their key systems including manufacturing, production, DCS, EAM, CMMS, reliability, and other systems.

Book a demo now, or contact us today, so you can start preparing for IIoT!


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