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The best explanation I have ever heard of predictive maintenance is that:

“Your current maintenance activities are the opportunity cost of not working on other maintenance activities.”

What other maintenance activities are you giving up to focus on your task at hand? And is the added benefit from your chosen maintenance activities actually greater than those foregone?

Reactive Maintenance to Maintenance Optimization 

If you feel as though there simply isn’t enough time in the day, and spend your whole day fighting fires, then you are in need of maintenance optimization. At the most basic stage of maintenance, with no implemented maintenance strategy whatsoever, you are in the reactive stage. No improvements can be made until you commit to making changes in your culture, your maintenance strategy, and your plant floor.

Under predictive or preventive maintenance optimization, your maintenance decisions become smarter and faster. You are now making use of your data and optimizing where to spend your workhours.

It is important to step away from the fires long enough to fight the root cause of the problem!

But how do you get from there to here? 

Implementing a Maintenance Strategy 

It may seem impossible at first but at the reactive stage of maintenance, any small change you make can have a huge impact.

  1. Cleanse: Clean up your existing data and make sure it’s complete
  2. Governance: Focus on improving your incoming data and governance process
  3. Prioritize: Prioritize improvements based on equipment criticality, maintenance frequency, and cost

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