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The most important aspect of an EAM system is an organization’s asset and maintenance master data. Therefore, it is absolutely critical that your master data is accurate, as this will be the foundation of your company’s maintenance procedures. If your master data is not cleansed regularly, your operations will take a hit. Once asset and maintenance fails to perform as it should, a chain reaction occurs significantly impacting maintenance operations. This is why the most effective strategy is ensuring asset and maintenance data is clean before loading it into a new EAM or CMMS system.

The goal of operations for every asset-intensive company is to manage assets during daily production and ensure that maintenance deliverables are met in the most efficient and effective way possible. This includes meeting design production requirements and achieving profit goals, all while adhering to safety and regulatory guidelines. An organization’s operational readiness, in other words their ability to define operational capacity and asset life cycle requirements for future operations, is based on having access to accurate asset and maintenance data to sustain smooth operations. Without this data, maintenance teams are unable to create an effective maintenance strategy or schedule, figure out why failures occur, comply with corporate standards, or test asset data under multiple circumstances.

This leads directly to operational effectiveness and excellence issues. If your EAM or CMMS system is laced with bad data, your company will struggle to properly measure asset performance or identify key performance indicators. Unexpected downtime and production loss becomes an issue due to a lacking maintenance strategy or low operational readiness. In such cases, increased emergency asset replacement often occur, resulting in increased expenditure and low product quality.

A major key to successful operations is asset data standardization. Multinational asset-intensive companies operate from different locations and facilities across the globe. Imagine if every facility a company owned managed the same assets differently. This would lead to much confusion and the company would be unable to harness their business advantage by utilizing global scale. Standardizing asset data makes it easier to compare asset performance between facilities, meet corporate standards, and optimize the supply chain on an international scale. Information is easily shared between maintenance staff regardless of location and operational efficiency stays consistent throughout all facilities.

Poor data = poor operations

If you are having issues with your EAM system or find holes in your operational effectiveness, your first instinct should be to evaluate the quality of your data. You will not achieve optimal performance of an EAM system with bad data. This will have a ripple effect on your maintenance strategy and operations. Making sure your asset and maintenance data is accurate could not be more crucial.

If you need assistance cleaning up your data, NRX AssetHub carries features for editing, analyzing, reviewing, visualizing, and approving your data. This helps our clients ensure their data is at its best before embarking on a data migration. If you would like to learn more about our solution, feel free to book a demo and our team would be happy to help!

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