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Let’s be honest. Regardless of the industry, all asset-intensive companies struggle with compliance issues that result in high costs. These include, but are not limited to:

  1. Verifying that the maintenance plans and inspection tasks programmed into the EAM conform to the documented corporate performance standards for different assets
  2. Updating maintenance plans and inspection tasks in the EAM system when corporate performance standards change
  3. Creating an audit trail of corporate performance standards compliance

We can help.

One of the things our customers use NRX AssetHub for is to capture reliability or performance standards for safety-critical equipment, or safety-critical elements (SCEs) and associate them with appropriate assets, build compliant maintenance plans, measure compliance gaps, and track compliance verification activities.

Let’s take a closer look at the ways in which our customers have used and benefitted from using NRX AssetHub to ensure safety-critical assets comply with regulations, such as reliability or performance standards.


Easily Associate Reliability or Performance Standards with Critical Assets

NRX AssetHub lets our customers load their standards documents into NRX AssetHub or a corporate Document Management System, and organize the documents in a logical, consistent manner. The documents can then be easily associated with the assets to which they apply, making them readily available to maintenance personnel who are building maintenance plans and task lists to comply. Customers can quickly locate critical assets that do not have reliability or performance standards associated with them.

Quickly Build Regulatory-Compliant Maintenance Plans and Task Lists

NRX AssetHub makes it faster to build compliant maintenance plans and task lists with its easy-to-use interface. Maintenance personnel can quickly define and schedule maintenance activities based on the standards documents attached to each critical asset. Users can easily copy maintenance data, including links to standards documents, and paste them to one or more assets, making it possible to propagate performance data throughout groups of assets that share common properties.

Automatically Suggest Maintenance Plans for Similar Assets

NRX AssetHub allows customers to create a maintenance library of reusable maintenance objects, such as maintenance plans, task lists, documents, and more. Simply by matching these objects to a particular model of equipment, our customers can use NRX AssetHub to automatically suggest lists of similar assets they may apply to, which enables reuse, and saves time. Users can view list of assets that share a particular performance standard document, easily making changes to all if the standards change.

Quickly Report on Critical Assets Missing Performance Standards

NRX AssetHub helps our customers identify critical assets that are missing performance standards documents. Powerful reporting capabilities highlight any gaps. Intelligent filtering allows our customers to quickly focus on areas of particular concern, such as listing all equipment without a criticality value, or all critical equipment without a performance standard or maintenance plan. Our solutions make it easy for our customers to verify that standards have been applied to all pertinent assets.

Quickly Report on Critical Assets Missing Performance Standards

NRX AssetHub allows customers to capture a record of compliance verification activities. As compliance checks are performed, the user performing the check can simply note the results in NRX AssetHub, which timestamps the entry, and tracks the user performing the check. Our customers can easily view a list of any critical assets that have not yet been checked, or obtain an audit report listing the results of all compliance checks, when they occurred, and who performed the check.


Key Benefits Realized

  • Save money and time. We help our customers typically save at least 50% of the time and cost typically incurred auditing and validating data for regulatory compliance.


If you would like to find out more about how NRX AssetHub can help you easily comply with reliability and performance standards, give us a call.

If you would like to find out about this solution or the many other ways NRX AssetHub can help your business, check out the link:


















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