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When we fail, we learn. We grow and mature, achieving new understandings and perspectives on life, love, business, money, relationships, and people. We’re forced to make new connections, bridging gaps where we hadn’t connected the dots before.

Those that fail to learn from history, are doomed to repeat it.” Winston Churchill

Although we know we should learn from past mistakes, it’s easier said than done.

So, why is it so hard to learn from our past mistakes?

There are a few reasons as to why we have a hard time learning from our past. Firstly, we tend to rationalize that it wasn’t a mistake to begin with. Yet, the first step to learning from your past, is to recognize that you’ve made a mistake.

Secondly, we can’t clearly identify what went wrong. Sometimes, we might not know why everything went wrong. We can’t learn a lesson without the material. It can help to backtrack your work, to see what the goal was, the steps taken to achieve the goal, to help understand where the mistake occurred.

Thirdly, we don’t seek an outside perspective. Sometimes, we are unable to see the mistakes we made because we are too close to the situation. In this case getting a view from the outside might help.

Lastly, we don’t even try to learn from our past. This is the worst reason of them all. We can’t expect change for no reason, we need to take certain actions, different from the past to get different results.

Failure is instructive. The person who really thinks learns quite as much from his failures as from his successes.” ― John Dewey

We can learn valuable lessons from our past mistakes. Failures/Mistakes can help to redefine your priorities in life. It can shape what you value and force you to revise your approach.

Failing to learn from the past is one of the top seven root causes of poor EAM Master Data.

It is challenging for owner/operators to reuse existing maintenance master data. Most maintenance engineering teams do not have a scalable method for leveraging approved data and knowledge from past CMMS master data builds. As a result, maintenance engineering teams are forced to reinvent the wheel for every new capital project.

NRX AssetHub is a software solution that integrates with your EAM or CMMS. By adopting the latest advances in IIoT with EAM compatibilities in mind, we help our clients get their data right. We focus on configuration and cloud computing to ensure that our services are tailored to each of our customers and that their employees can handle their data needs anytime, anywhere. If you would like to learn more, book a demo or contact us now.

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