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Maintenance technicians rely on automated work orders to plan and schedule maintenance including preventive maintenance. Some Preventive Maintenance plans (PMs) are time-based while others are condition-based. Time and cost can be reduced by switching from time-based PMs to condition-based PMs where appropriate. Work should occur on regular schedules, but not too often or too infrequently.

PM data in EAM and CMMS systems is incredibly complex, and many asset-intensive companies run into challenges in this area. Asset Intensive businesses can have substantial volumes of PM data, creating a data management challenge with the uncertainty of what to do with obsolete PMs; whether they can be deleted without causing issues.

Why should your company perform preventive maintenance?

  1. Legal Standards Required: It is important that you maintain and inspect your technical system regularly, because there may be legislation relating to your plant safety or industrial hygiene and safety.
  2. Product Quality Assurance:The quality of the product depends on the condition of the facility it was manufactured.
  3. Reduction in Reactive Maintenance Costs: Effective preventive maintenance can reduce any unnecessary costs that occur because of repairs and can ensure that a technical system doesn’t breakdown.
  4. Environmental Standards Requirements:It is possible that effective preventive maintenance can prevent system breakdowns that can lead to environmental impacts.
  5. Decrease in High Maintenance Costs:Depending on whether you’ve already reached the optimum intensity level of preventive maintenance or not, you can possibly decrease your maintenance costs.

To find out more about how NRX AssetHub can help you with the data management challenges of PM Optimization:

NRX AssetHub has numerous solutions to help solve your organization’s maintenance challenges. Book a demo today or look at our maintenance optimization documentation to find out more about best practices.

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