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In the dynamic landscape of asset management, the efficiency of maintenance and reliability teams is often contingent upon seamless processes, especially in the creation of Bills of Materials (BoMs). However, a notable challenge arises when there is a heavy reliance on specialized Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) resources. In this blog, we will dissect the implications of such reliance, exploring how it can lead to delays in BOM creation, inefficiencies, and a backlog of time.

  1. Understanding the Role of Master Data Specialists:

Master data specialists play a crucial role in the maintenance and reliability ecosystem. They are responsible for the creating and loading of asset and maintenance master data into the EAM/CMMS system. While their expertise is invaluable, over-reliance on them can introduce complexities.


  1. Delays in BOM Creation:

One significant impact of relying on master data specialists is the potential for delays in BOM creation. Maintenance and reliability team members, lacking direct access to the EAM system, are compelled to seek assistance from specialists requesting new BOMs and materials be created in the system. This dependency introduces a bottleneck, slowing down the entire BOM creation process.


  1. Verification and Loading Backlog:

Master data specialists, being the gatekeepers of BOM data, are tasked with the verification and loading of information. As a result, a backlog can form, especially during periods of high demand. This backlog not only delays the creation of new BOMs but also hampers the efficiency of existing processes, as teams may be forced to wait for essential data updates.


  1. Potential Inefficiencies:

The reliance on specialized EAM resources can inadvertently lead to inefficiencies. Maintenance and reliability teams may find themselves hindered by the dependency on specialists, limiting their ability to make real-time decisions and slowing down the overall pace of asset management processes.


  1. Addressing the Challenge:

To overcome the challenges associated with reliance on specialized master data resources, organizations can consider the following strategies:

  • Training Programs: Empower maintenance and reliability team members with training programs that enhance their proficiency in navigating and utilizing EAM systems independently.
  • User-Friendly Interfaces: Invest in EAM systems with user-friendly interfaces that allow non-specialists to perform essential tasks without extensive reliance on specialists.
  • Delegated Responsibilities: Distribute responsibilities to business units, enabling a more decentralized approach to BOM creation and data verification.
  • Automation Solutions: Explore automation solutions that streamline the BOM creation process, reducing the manual workload on master data specialists and expediting overall efficiency.

​While master data specialists are pivotal in maintaining the integrity of asset management systems, over-reliance on them can lead to significant bottlenecks and inefficiencies, especially in the creation of Bills of Materials. Organizations must strike a balance by empowering maintenance and reliability teams with the tools and knowledge needed to navigate EAM systems independently. By addressing this challenge head-on, companies can ensure a more agile and efficient approach to BOM creation, ultimately enhancing the overall performance of their asset management processes.


How Can We Help You?

Hubhead’s Building BoM solution can assist you in creating accurate and effective bills of materials to avoid these challenges and ensure overall success in your maintenance and management processes. To learn more about how we can help you build better BOMs, contact us to book a demo or download our brochure.


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