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Although it sounds easy, tracking equipment maintenance is not easy. Maintenance becomes very daunting when you have poor quality EAM/CMMS asset master data. Poor data makes it very hard for maintenance personnel to do their job as well.  Every year, companies spend millions of dollars to maintain their equipment and keep them running smoothly by investing in their asset master data.

Here are the top 3 steps that your company can take to master Asset Master Data success!

Build Quality Data for Every New Project

Ensuring that the quality of data is high is essential when you begin to build your data for a new project. Through this, you can steer clear of potential problems in the future. Our software will allow teams that are responsible for building asset master data to work within a single environment to build, visualize, and validate data prior to handover. This will allow all asset records and related information to live in AssetHub and you will be able to monitor and oversee the project progress at any state of the data build. Our software also prevents work duplication and allows users to reference existing data, best practices and knowledge through the power of an integrated maintenance library.

Standardize & Sustain Data Across All Existing Operations

Sustaining data quality is very difficult and cannot be done in a timely manner using traditional tools or broad-reaching management of change programs. Consequently, post-production data can deteriorate rapidly. As companies experience changes to equipment and processes, existing Asset Data must be able to be updated accordingly. Our solution allows you to validate changes to data against both organizational standards and industry best practices. Without an adequate solution to manage these essential processes, companies are prone to large backlogs of unimplemented change requests, expensive manual processes, duplicate requests with no central visibility, and a lack of automated validation against corporate or industry standards.

Leverage Asset Data Accessible to Decision Makers Across the Enterprise

Even once a solid Asset Data Foundation has been established it can be very difficult to keep it that way. Asset-intensive operations are constantly changing. Companies who do not have tools and processes in place to update their data as a result of these changes can quickly find themselves faced with many problems. Our software allows you to address the root cause of costly and inefficient maintenance practices through the structured governance of enterprise-wide Asset Data. You will also be able to reduce maintenance costs tied to poor data, control exposure to operational risks, and build repeatable processes and reference points that can be leveraged across the enterprise!

Interested in learning more about how to build high-quality Asset Master Data? Give us a call at 1-877-603-4679 or book a meeting. We would love to help!

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