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When you have a few pieces of equipment, managing equipment tags is not a problem at all. Your tags can be as unique and as informative as they need to be. Unfortunately, in an asset-intensive company, you don’t just have a few pieces of equipment. You probably have huge numbers of equipment tags that you use to identify and track your assets! It is not easy to manage this many equipment tags, so how are others doing it?

Your Options

There are several options that asset-intensive companies are currently using. Some companies begin using a simple, manual tool such as spreadsheets to track the next available sequence numbers to keep the tags unique. Other companies use a tagging database to track the sequence number. But is this the most efficient method to go about it? The companies that are using these methods are still prone to errors or have difficulty getting personnel to comply. The goal of equipment tags is efficiency. You want to be able to manage your assets effectively and efficiently to help your company grow. Since there are no industry standards or rules for tagging equipment, you need to find something that works best for your organization. Many companies struggle with this because some options may work better for others, which is why once you’ve defined a convention, it must be easy to implement and followed by everyone in the company.

What Do You Need to Efficiently Manage Your Equipment Tags?

To effectively manage your equipment tags, you need a formal process for allocating the tags. Smart companies like to use a naming convention for their tags, which makes it easier to identify the type of equipment, where it is located and other relevant data about the equipment. The problem with naming conventions is that keeping the tags unique is a very big challenge. So how are you able to keep your tags unique with your existing tags? It’s simple! Your solution must be able allow you to implement your existing tags from your EAM system and capture your site-specific naming requirements then put into a simple-to-use form. This allows you to quickly build equipment tags from drop-down lists of codes which will ultimately prevent costly tagging errors.

Unsure of how to go about managing your equipment tags? We can help!

Our solution helps you allocate the next available numbers from your exiting tags from the EAM system, ensuring that they are all unique and not already in use. We use a workflow process for tag allocation and you can have as many approvers as you require. Our solution also provides a form that prevents invalid selections or mistyped entries ensuring that each tag is valid and unique, avoiding duplicate tags. With our software, you can define you own tagging requirements, per site or per enterprise which allows easy conformation to corporate tagging standards.

We can help you reduce equipment tag management costs by up to 80%.

Want to learn more about equipment tags? Download our FREE tip sheet.

If you would like to learn more about how NRX AssetHub can assist your organization, contact us at 1-877-603-4679 or book a meeting today!

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