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Given the high stakes, relying on manual data extraction is no longer practical. AI and machine learning, are revolutionizing how data is extracted and interpreted from industrial diagrams.

These technologies offer significant benefits, such as cutting extraction time by up to 95% and reducing error rates to less than 1%. However, they still require human oversight for accuracy. By combining AI’s speed with human expertise, companies can greatly reduce the risks involved in data extraction.

Another key advantage of AI is its scalability. As operations grow, manual processes become increasingly risky and unsustainable. AI help help with handling large-scale projects with a level of consistency and speed that manual efforts simply can’t match. This ensures that as projects expand, data integrity remains intact.

By automating routine and repetitive tasks, engineers can focus on more complex and critical aspects of the work, further enhancing safety and operational efficiency.

How Can We Help You?  

HubHead and DataSeer’s AI Service combines human-level understanding with machine speed to build a scalable knowledge data store of engineering designs. By integrating these solutions with your existing EAM/CMMS systems and creating a digital twin, you can enhance decision-making and streamline your maintenance processes. Contact us for a free demo or book a call.  

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