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This week looks at a few key industries that would most benefit from using maintenance BOMs in their day-to-day operations. 


Modern Beverage (Bottling)

This industry is as old as it is large. It’s come a long way since the 19th Century and now finds itself fitted with the new mass-production opportunities and exponential consumer growth. With this demand in mind, assembly lines employing filling machines, sterilization stations, and complex piping for brewing require extensive upkeep. Setting up a maintenance BOM that can reliably point to each component needing replacement will be key to sustaining long-term production targets.



Much like bottling, auto factories use an extensive amount of automation. However, automotive makers (especially in North America) face the unique obstacle of sourcing parts from across national boundaries and dozens of warehouses. Building a maintenance BOM would help coordinate parts and their demand for effective communication.



In extraction and refining, crude oil requires hundreds of replacement parts to work perfectly before meeting international markets. Like with other industries, operations will depend on a system that accurately lists maintenance parts as needed. Therefore, creating a maintenance BOM will be integral to avoiding incorrect orders and sustaining production targets to meet demand.


How We Can Help

HubHead’s solutions can ensure that you can easily create accurate maintenance BOMs and help improve the quality of BOMs. We can do this by helping you create, edit, visualize, review and approve maintenance BOMs effectively. To learn more about how we can help you build better BOMs, contact us to book a demo or download our brochure.

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