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If you’ve been following along with our blogs, then you should now know that low quality BoMs can negatively impact your business and be difficult to use. Some of the effects low quality BoMs can have on your business include, difficulty identifying correct parts, mis-ordered parts, delayed or incomplete parts, and overall inefficiency.

When done correctly, a BoM will help revamp your company’s maintenance strategy by decreasing downtime and increasing wrench time. In addition, a BoM building project usually has a significant return on investment.

To reap the benefits of building  BoMs, it must be done correctly. Here are 3 ways you can improve the quality of your BoMs to propel your company’s maintenance strategy forward:

  1. Do some spring cleaning, get rid of duplicates

If your materials data is littered with duplicates your system will be cluttered with confusing information. In this case, it becomes harder to quickly identify correct parts and successfully complete work orders in a timely manner. This eventually leads to extra time and money which can be a significant setback for asset-intensive organizations.

  1. Ditch the spreadsheets

Many asset-intensive companies store their materials data in a spreadsheet, to be transferred into an EAM system later on. Most third-party contractors also use spreadsheets to build BoMs for their clients. The problem with spreadsheets is that they are great for doing your taxes, but not so great for managing complex materials data. They lack many features a productivity tool would have such as intelligent searching and SKU matching and visualizing data. This leads into the next point.

  1. Reuse existing BoMs (Reduce, reuse, recycle)

To prevent duplicates from accumulating in your system, it is important to reuse existing BoMs for similar equipment. Intelligent searching and SKU matching helps easily do this. When adding new equipment, your system should search for any similar BoMs available, therefore eliminating the need for maintenance staff to create duplicates.

Quality over quantity

At the end of the day, there is no point in using a bill of materials if your materials data is inaccurate. The NRX AssetHub solution helps asset-intensive businesses improve the quality of their data before loading it into a new system. Our solutions helps companies easily edit, visualize, review, and approve BoMs to optimize the efficiency and effectiveness of your new EAM system. If you would like to learn more about NRX AssetHub, feel free to book a demo and our team would be happy to assist you!

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