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Maintenance BOMs contain information about what spare parts are used to maintain different types of assets within your facilities.

However, maintenance BOMs can only manage this information effectively with accurate data to match. Inaccurate BOMs complicate the process for workers searching for key materials info. With this in mind, a system with inaccurate BOMs with show the following symptoms to users.


Maintenance BOMs are critical to any contemporary management of materials and parts in a facility. Therefore, when incorrect data enters the system unchecked, it can create new problems in the warehouse’s efficiency and long-term issues in inventory. Moreover, it’s crucial users can identify inaccuracies when they’ve been entered to curb these discrepancies from becoming complications. Here are a few ways to identify inaccuracies.


Parts Falling Out-of-Date

EAM data quality can deteriorate over time and become inaccurate and/or incomplete if it is not kept up-to-date. When changes occur regarding your assets, it’s important to follow-up with changes in your BOM data. Not doing so risks opening your BOMs to misinterpretation by users unaware of outdated information. Here are a few examples of situations when data needs to be updated.

Leaving Duplicates to Wither

Next, duplicates are one of the most common issues that encumber the accuracy of BOMs. They can appear when users encounter difficulty finding parts in the EAM system, sometimes due to poor descriptions. To accommodate that, duplicates can emerge as double entries for spare parts which can create excess inventories after new orders. The more duplicate parts you have, the more disorganized your EAM system becomes and the more costs associated with inventory inflate.


Unneeded Spare Parts

Unneeded spare parts are a significant cost for asset intensive businesses – and they can occur in many ways.  Right up front the vendor recommended spare parts list provided by the vendor often contains parts that aren’t needed based on your maintenance practices.  If you don’t review those lists effectively and trim down the list then you end up stocking parts that will never be used and end up costing money and wasting space in your stockrooms.  When planners can’t rely on your BOM and materials data they often order parts “just in case”.  While this ensures production is restored it’s an unnecessary business expense.


How We Can Help

HubHead can not only help you create accurate BOMs but can also help to improve the quality of existing BOMs. We can do this by helping you to create, edit, visualize, review and approve maintenance BOMs effectively. To learn more about how we can help you build better BOMs, contact us to book a demo or download our brochure.


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