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The importance of good quality asset and maintenance data cannot be overstated. Your data quality has a major impact on the efficiency and overall success of your company’s maintenance and operations. Ultimately, no matter how advanced an EAM system is, it can only be as good as the data that feeds it. This is why cleansing data is necessary to successfully complete an EAM migration and fully reap the benefits of your target EAM system. But how do you know if your asset and maintenance data is where it needs to be?

Asset Hierarchies Are Standardized

One of the most important things to do is make sure that your asset hierarchies align with standards such as ISO-14224. If your data is not aligned with this standard then this is a sign that it’s not up to par. Through industry standards you can easily share information between different facilities, increase supply chain efficiency, collect better RM data, identify equipment that does not comply with standards and more.

Minimal Obsolete and Duplicate Parts

If your EAM system contains a large amount of information on parts that cannot be used or multiple SKUs of the same parts exist within the system then this is a sign that you have poor quality data. A EAM system with good quality data makes parts easy to find to avoid duplicates from being created in the first place. Good quality EAM data also means that the data is updated frequently enough to where obsolete parts are removed from the system.

Properly Classified

If parts aren’t properly classified within your system and they are difficult for workers to search and find, then this is a sign of poor quality data. Good quality data makes it easy for workers to find parts which prevents unnecessary delays and downtime.

You Aren’t Facing Major Issues

If you are noticing issues such as your assets’ life decreasing, an increase in health and safety incidents, unexpected downtime and more, then this could be a result of your data quality. Poor quality data can impact all aspects of your company including maintenance, operations, asset integrity, asset reliability, spare parts management and more. If your company seems to be struggling in some or all of these areas then it could very well be a result of your data.

How We Can Help

If you are noticing that your EAM data is not classified, asset hierarchies are not aligned with a corporate standard, parts are difficult to find because they are not classified and you are facing major issues in your maintenance and operations, then you need to fix your EAM data. We can help to cleanse your data so that it can be ready to load onto your target EAM system during a migration. To learn more about how we can help, contact us to book a demo or download our brochure.

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