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Ever wondered how you can achieve perfect maintenance data? Data that has no flaws, that is complete, accurate and everything else that comes with having high-quality data? Asset-intensive companies strive for nothing but good quality data, but is this achievable?. When your data is inaccurate and incomplete, there are many problems that can arise.

But how do you measure your data quality?. You want to be able to have a standard to measure against so that you see the areas of concerns and focus on the areas that affect operational integrity. You’re also unable to monitor the progress of your data builds and data cleansing projects if you don’t have a clear standard to measure against. Being able to track the progress is crucial because when problems arise, you want to be able to identify and fix it right away. Lastly, without clear data standards , you will be unable to measure the progress and deliverables of your contractors.

But how are you able to set clear data quality standards and report against them? And what exactly defines high-quality EAM and CMMS asset and maintenance data?

  1. High-quality data is always current and up to date. It should be 100% complete always and ensured that it is completely accurate
  2. The data must meet the requirements that are defined by the corporate and industry standards that your company complies with
  3. Your data should always reflect what is physically in place
  4. The appropriate strategies to extract maximum performance from every asset is crucial for high-quality asset and maintenance data
  5. For high-quality data, it must include complete and accurate information about parts required to maintain assets under management
  6. Content such as parts catalogs, images, documentation etc. must be included to support maintenance work
  7. High-quality data must be accessible to personnel that depend on it to do their jobs quickly, accurately and consistently

Still struggling to meet your maintenance and reliability goals? Still failing to ensure that your data in your EAM/CMMS systems meets your quality objectives? Without an adequate data foundation, your asset and maintenance management systems will fail to support the business!

Interested in achieving high-quality data? We can help!

We can help you save up to 10% of the cost of ongoing maintenance and operations. We can help you reduce planned maintenance activities by 6% when compared to your original strategy.

If you would like to learn more about how NRX AssetHub can assist your organization, contact us at 1-877-603-4679 or book a meeting today!

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