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Throughout any form of business endeavour, not everything will go as planned. In a previous blog, we spoke about some different tactics you could implement into your EAM migration process to prevent failure. Integrating these steps into your migration process is a great way to set your company up for success, but what if the project still falls through? What if you did everything by the book and still ended up with an EAM migration failure? Unfortunately, these things happen. When they do, you’ll have to know how to handle them so you can get back on track. To help, we’ve listed some important steps to take so you can successfully recover from an EAM migration failure as quickly as possible.

Fixing the Issues

Identify Errors – This is easily the most important step a company must take when evaluating the current state of a failed EAM implementation. There could be many reasons why a new EAM has failed in the first place, but major points of error will become apparent when analyzing your unique situation. Take note of these errors, sit down with your team, and begin to work through them together. EAM systems are complex, but failure does not necessarily mean the death of an entire migration. If these errors are dealt with properly, there’s a strong chance that you’ll be back up and running in no time.

Be Open to Change – Some of the errors you find will require drastic change within the management and functions of your new EAM system. Maybe the failure occurred due to the misuse of a certain function. Maybe your master data wasn’t set up properly in your EAM. Whatever the case, you must be able to adapt to these issues and be open to making changes for the betterment of your new system. Big or small, making these changes will allow you to recover from failure much faster and improve the quality of operations in the process.

Take Your Time – The last thing you want to be doing is rushing the process. Trying to get your new EAM back up and running immediately will only lead to unforgiving shortcuts and unfavourable outcomes. We understand that your recovery process may be under certain time restrictions, and that’s okay! Evaluate the time constraints you are under and plan out each step of the way properly. Ensure that these steps are well thought out and acted upon. It is better to take the appropriate amount of time for each part of the process and have your migration be a success rather than rushing it into inevitable failure.

Increase Training – Your staff needs to be using the new system to its fullest potential. Otherwise, the entirety of your new EAM will not be fully utilized and important aspects of the system will go untouched. Take the time to ensure that your staff knows what the system is capable of, how it should be used, when certain features are needed, and why they are using them. Knowledge is power when using a new EAM system, so make sure your employees are completely comfortable using it for a full recovery.

Avoiding Failure with NRX AssetHub

Ideally, your EAM migration project succeeds the first time it is attempted – we can help make it happen. NRX AssetHub allows you to seamlessly migrate from your old CMMS to a new EAM system. If you’re looking to avoid an EAM migration failure with your upcoming project, be sure to reach out and book a demo.

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