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Managing and storing Engineering Documents in a centralized Cloud hosted repository is a trendy topic these days.  In asset-intensive industries, most customers already have some form of document storage and management system in operation.

However, while Document Management systems store documents, often they do not provide an easy way to locate the many documents and drawings they store.  To help you find documents quickly and effectively, NRX has developed solutions that complement DMS applications. NRX AssetHub helps you:

  1. Automatically Organize and Index Maintenance Documents in your Corporate DMS. AssetHub lets customers load their documents into their corporate Document Management Systems individually, or in bulk. It can then automatically create search indexes, based on equipment attributes, and organize the documents in a logical, consistent manner.
  2. Easily Keep Document Indexes Up to Date When Assets or Attributes Change. AssetHub ensures that search indexes for maintenance documents remain in sync with their assets, and then updates the indexes automatically as assets or asset attributes change. AssetHub also provides easy email-based workflows for managing the process of loading and updating documents.
  3. Save Maintenance Workers Time Locating the Latest Engineering Data and Drawings.  AssetHub lets customers easily link drawings, photos, manuals, engineering data, and other maintenance documents from Document and Engineering Content Management Systems, and connects the documents to assets in the EAM system. Maintenance workers can then easily view engineering drawings and designs from work orders in an EAM system, from the asset hierarchy in AssetHub, or using intelligent search and filter capabilities. It makes maintenance more visual and maintenance professionals more productive.
  4. Search, Filter, and Report on Structured Information to Find Documents and Implement New Maintenance and Reliability Programs. AssetHub facilitates the implementation of new maintenance and reliability programs that require access to maintenance and asset documents and information. For example, Customers can use AssetHub to store the results of a vibration analysis to prioritize repair work.

If you would like to see a demo of how NRX AssetHub can complement your Document Management Systems, give us a call.

If you want to find out more about this solution or the many other ways NRX AssetHub can help your business, check out the link:

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