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Every work order has a life cycle. Understanding each phase and assigning appropriate tasks within the process ensures that there are no backlogs and delays. There are a few key elements that should ideally be included in maintenance work orders to yield maximum results.

Setting up for success:

1. Information is vital: It is always better to have more details than have less data, especially when dealing with work orders. Information provided should encompass all factors, such as outlining the exact problem, instruments that will help solve the issue at hand, and well-defined maintenance specifications. These details will help rule out any confusion or dilemma at the last minute.

2. Equipment details: This could be in the form of engineering documents, vendor documentation, or specific quality standards set in place for each kind of equipment. It is useful to know the ins and outs of each type of equipment so that you are better aware of what you are dealing with and understand the incoming work orders in the system.

3. Scheduling priorities: With every work order comes a new timeline. Prioritizing work orders according to their importance, such as high, medium, or low, can help determine which order needs to be attended first. Moreover, assigning tasks to team members early on is essential as you can assess how many people will be required and if an outside contractor is needed for the job.

4. Safety comes first: The right specifications and permits must be set to avoid any dangerous incidents while working on the asset. It is also good practice to examine past accidents (if any) to see how they can be avoided in the future.

The bottom line

Efficient performance of work orders is essential in asset-intensive businesses. Ensuring that acceptable standards are set in place from beginning to end can help ease the process and bring efficiency and productivity in the company. If you would like to learn more about how to do more with your work order data, click on one of our resources below, or book a demo with us to chat with an expert!

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