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Inaccurate Asset and Maintenance Master Data? Here’s 3 Tips on How to Fix It

We’ve talked about all the problems with having bad asset and maintenance master data. Now let’s talk about how to fix it. Regular maintenance of asset data is not easy, but it is critical and most definitely worthwhile. Ideally, your EAM data should never get to a point where it is unreliable. Here are three main things every asset-intensive company should keep in mind when cleaning their asset and maintenance master data.

1. Start early

You can never be too early when it comes to cleaning your asset and maintenance master data, but you can be too late. If you wait until after migrating to a new EAM system to realize your master data is the problem, that is definitely too late, and you will find yourself struggling to resolve costly issues in an inefficient expensive manner. This also includes building your asset and maintenance master data early and continuing to update it throughout the asset’s lifecycle.

2. Avoid data silos

Oftentimes, maintenance teams are spread out across different facilities or geographical locations. This can make it difficult to build master data because the physical distance between teams has the potential to hinder collaboration. This is where having the right EAM system comes into play because having a platform that provides the same level of visibility across the board is crucial to fostering collaboration across teams and allowing for fluid data. Everyone needs to have full access to the same data regardless of location, to avoid data being stuck in one spot. Otherwise, you run the risk of inefficiencies and project delays.

3. Build a strong foundation and validation process

Capital projects tend to be large and complex with many moving parts. Validating EAM data is of high importance because bad data can lead to serious issues for maintenance and operations. It is also important for the data to have a foundation on which it is consolidated and complies with corporate or international standards. If the data is dispersed across different databases or software, consolidation can be tricky as the data will likely be formatted differently depending on where it is stored.

NRX AssetHub is a software platform designed for asset-intensive companies to build, organize, edit, and approve their data before migrating to a new EAM system. If you are curious about our solution and would like to learn more, feel free to book a demo or download our brochure. Our team is always happy to help!

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