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Finding correct materials in your EAM system is a continuing challenge for many maintenance planners at asset-intensive organizations. From misnamed parts, nowhere to store legacy parts descriptions to confusing duplicates, the concerns are real and challenging.

As companies realize that their descriptions of parts do not adhere to any sort of naming conventions or are not listed by part type with relevant characteristics recorded, the effort of selecting the correct part or finding alternative ones becomes extremely difficult. Within some organizations, maintenance personnel use their own descriptions, but are limited by field lengths or corporate naming conventions. Due to this, time is wasted trying to identify parts required to complete work orders, there is no BOM to cross reference to and their remains a risk of ordering incorrect parts.

The solution to all this is to find a scalable, easy to use software platform that allows personnel to find and select parts efficiently and one that can also integrate with your EAM/CMMS solution. Through a web-based platform, maintenance professionals can select and find parts easily.

AssetHub is a cloud based software solution that loads EAM data including materials efficiently and quickly. AssetHub allows companies to:

  1. filter and search existing parts easily from both descriptions and attributes
  2. find potential matching SKUs amongst all existing parts through one single powerful search tool across all attributes
  3. select parts from BOMs associated with equipment
  4. select parts visually from illustrated parts books associated with equipment

In contrast to EAM/CMMS solutions, NRX AssetHub offers access to additional content such as a vendor manual or legacy parts descriptions and the ability to select parts visually from a hot-pointed illustrated book. NRX AssetHub is also fully integrated with EAM/CMMS solutions so you are aware of where your spares are and used on which equipment.

Want to learn more?

For more information on how to revolutionize the way your company finds and selects materials in your EAM system, give us a call at 1-877-603-4679, or click here to book a demo. We look forward to helping you improve your materials search and selection processes!

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