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Most of us use cloud computing on a day-to-day basis for personal use with our smartphones, tablets and laptop.  Platforms such as Netflix, Twitter, Facebook, and others are upsetting many traditional business models. Cloud computing is also changing the business world including the world of Enterprise Asset Management.

There are real advantages to moving your EAM to the cloud.

Why use a cloud-based data management for your asset-intensive company?

  1. Cloud computing will allow for better technical support and service. Within the cloud, we have already integrated performance monitoring and debugging tools to best enhance your solutions.
  2. Costs are reduced through the use of cloud computing. You don’t need to rely on IT support with the use of cloud technology and moving to the cloud will not affect application performance.
  3. Using cloud computing will result in increased business agility if you need to any updates in terms of users or data. This used to be a complicated process with multiple steps and required participation from many different departments which could take months or longer. Now you can flick a magic Amazon switch and will be running more efficiently in minutes.
  4. Your maintenance personnel can be more mobile. Instead of having a data on a single computer, maintenance workers can access that data from any device anywhere via the cloud.

Many asset-intensive companies are still are in the dark when it comes to cloud computing even though most new CMMS and EAM systems offer cloud-based solutions now. A lot of companies fear a loss of data or corrupt data may occur switching from their older systems. NRX AssetHub can help your transfer your data. As you migrate your data, it is also a convenient time to cleanse and repair your data. NRX will help with data builds so that you can load your new data into the CMMS and EAM systems. We understand that the process of switching to new data management practices is not easy so we provide a service that will migrate your data quickly while maintaining its accuracy and integrity.

Want to learn more?

For more information on cloud-based data management, give us a call at 1-877-603-4679, or click here to book a demo. We look forward to helping you improve your materials search and selection processes!


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